Bud-Gryf & Home

25-27.03.2022 / Netto Arena

Bud-Gryf & Home, the largest construction industry fair in Western Pomerania, is back!

Spring is the best time to change. After a two-year pandemic break, the favorite construction fair will return to Szczecin. New quality, new ideas and new space - this year we will meet in Netto Arena.

March 25-27, 2022, this date is worth writing down in your calendars today, because that's when the Bud-Gryf & Home fair will return to the Szczecin exhibition scene. It will be an event that the entire construction industry, which is currently experiencing its golden times, is waiting for today. The renovation and construction market, despite the general economic slowdown caused by the COVID 19 pandemic, is doing very well. Poles eagerly build, renovate and furnish, and industry companies compete in more and more interesting offers.

The program of the BUD-GRYF & HOME 2022 fair:
  • Presentations of new technologies, building materials, machines, tools and innovative heating solutions
  • Design, trends, leading manufacturers of furniture and interior design
  • Decorations, equipment and finishing materials for houses and apartments
  • Industry news
  • XIII Conference "Renewable energy sources as an opportunity for sustainable development of the region"
  • Advice from experts, architects and practitioners
  • Exhibitions, competitions, workshops
  • Eco zone
  • Meetings with the star of the fair - Wiesław Skiba
  • Children's zone

Netto Arena Hall

Szafera 3/5/7 Street
Szczecin, Poland

Free entrance

Friday: 12:00-17:00
Saturday, Sunday: 10:00-17:00

Our pages:

  • http://nagrodyzeglarskie.szczecin.pl/
  • http://kolorowaaleja.pl/
  • http://northeast-marina.pl/
  • https://sail.szczecin.eu/
  • https://visitszczecin.eu/pl
  • https://netto.arenaszczecin.eu/