Oder Boulevards

Promenade facing the Oder

Szczecin's boulevards are a unique attraction for residents, tourists and sailors. There is no better spot for starting a tour of the city. You can moor you boat, take a stroll around Szczecin and see the interesting exhibits in the Sailors' Alley.

The boulevards are even more attractive thanks to the chocolate aroma that fills the air. It is here that you can have the most intensive experience of this unique aromatherapy. This is why most strollers have a smile on their faces and feel satisfied. The modernised quays encourage Szczecin residents to spend time on the Oder and attract tourists from outside the region, especially yachters.

Oder Boulevards:

  • Piast Boulevard – from the railway bridge to the Castle Route
  • Gdynia Boulevard – more than half a kilometre long, located on the side of the Central Office (from the Long Bridge to the Castle Route).
  • Elbląg Boulevard – has berths for sport, tourist and passenger boats.
  • Old Town Quay – from the Castle Route to the border of the Gryf Fishing Port premises.